
José Cañamar, Operations Manager at PlanNet, explains the competitive advantages that companies obtain with PlanNet's NOC Managed Services.

We provide you with the necessary tools for reactive and proactive support.

Our Network Infrastructure Monitoring Center, NOC, allows us to take care of network infrastructure management through the following tools:



We constantly visualize the status and alerts of your infrastructure, which allows us to prevent possible impacts on operations. We use customized monitoring tools tailored to the needs of your critical infrastructure.


Reactive support

We provide a response to incidents detected or reported by your team that are affecting your company's operations.


Proactive support

We prevent infrastructure failures thanks to our monitoring system, which allows us to detect behaviors that could trigger a failure or interruption in operations.


Single point of contact

We have a telephone line for reporting any incidents or requesting additions, deletions, or changes to network equipment configurations.


Monthly reports and recommendations

We provide you with a monthly analysis of the utilization and availability of your infrastructure, which allows us to make recommendations so that your resources have the required capacity for your operation.

Contact one of our experts

Send us a message and one of our specialists will contact you to discuss more about your requirements.

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Advantages your company obtains with our Managed Network Services:

  • Your company doesn't have to worry about technically training personnel on the network infrastructure it acquires, resulting in savings without sacrificing the quality of your daily operation.
  • Specialized technicians are responsible for operating your network infrastructure, providing maintenance and making any requested configuration changes according to the needs of your industry.
  • Reduced failure rates in your network solutions through continuous maintenance, ensuring prompt attention to issues even before they occur since monitoring and alert systems notify of a problem, saving time in response.
  • Improved network environment and performance of your installed infrastructure, allowing increased revenue generation capacity for your company since the internal network team can focus on its main projects.